Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Activision, Konami and MTV Games fight to take over the music games market

Action, adventure, puzzle, and now, a new kind of game is on the horizon; the music game. Already, the competition has been heated up by Activision, and MTV Games. Activision’s Guitar Hero: World Tour, and MTV GamesRock Band are two of the most popular games. Now, Konami is going to release Rock Revolution.

This week, MTV Games is releasing a new version of Rock Band for Nintendo Wii. Activision will release another version of Guitar Hero for Nintendo DS. None of the companies are pulling any punches when it comes to promote their games through various television shows and advertisements. For example, Guitar Hero was showcased on ‘American Idol’. Rock Band will be showcased on MTV. After the release of Rock Revolution this fall, the competition will become more intense.

However, there is a big problem, all these games support different consoles and requires different plug ins which could cost the gamers pretty penny.

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